On October 17th 2012 our family sold everything we possessed to raise the money we needed to go and do Missionary work in Iquitos, Peru.
It had been a dream of ours to do some sort of Missionary work and God opened the way for us to go to the jungle of Iquitos, which was a miracle in itself.
We were called to be the new Directors for a New Girl’s Dormitory which housed girls from abusive homes.
About MM Organics Gospel Medical Missionary
Girl’s Dormitory
Work in the Community
During our spare time we would serve the community by doing:
health presentations,
providing food and drink for the homeless
visiting the sick in their homes and in hospital etc etc.
Never had we seen such poverty before, it was overwhelming to say the least.
We travelled back and forth for several years and on one of our return visits back to the UK in 2019 we were faced with the lock downs in March 2020 and so we were unable to return to Peru due to the restrictions.
Since returning back, we have been praying for an opportunity to continue to SERVE, and God lead us to start
“MM Organics Gospel Medical Missionary”
…and what a blessing it is proving to be!