MM Gospel Medical Missionary Evangelistic

Training Program

Our next Training Session will Begin on:

January 5th 2025 at 3pm

On “Google Meets


GMMET 01                                       10 Laws of the Mind                                              1 credit

This course demonstrates that the body and the mind are closely connected.  It teaches you how to take control of your mind to let it rule your body rather than be a servant of impulse.

GMMET 02                                      Pure Air                                                               1 credit

This course presents the importance of breathing pure fresh air and the harmful effect on the body from dwelling in impure air.

GMMET 03                                       Sunlight                                                          1 credit

This course presents the amazing benefits of brilliant sunlight on the human body and how it can prevent many diseases and contribute to great health. 

GMMET 04                                      Abstemiousness                                               1 credit

This course presents the topic of balance in life with the highlight of indulgences which we need to reduce or avoid in our daily habits of eating, drinking or dressing.  It also discusses how to keep free from addictions.

GMMET 05                                       Rest                                                                    1 credit

This course presents the benefits of daily and weekly rest.  How to get the most from your sleep and what it can do in healing the body and preventing disease. 

GMMET 06                                       Exercise                                                          1 credit

This course presents the importance of daily exercise and the benefits of walking as the best exercise for diseased bodies.

GMMET 07                                       Proper Diet                                                    1 credit

Proper nutrition plays a major role in keeping healthy. This course gives an in depth understanding of the importance of various vitamins and minerals required for the body and the plant-based food sources available.

GMMET 08                                       Use of Water                                                   1 credit

This course teaches that Heaven’s choicest blessing, water, is important in cleansing the tissues and maintaining healthy skin.

GMMET 09                                      Trust in Divine Power                                  1 credit

This course teaches that healing comes from a Divine source and it is important that we cooperate with Him in simple childlike trust and faith. 

GMMET 10                                       Cleanliness                                                     1 credit

Keeping the home and surroundings clean is not only Godly but healthful. This course shows how unhealthy conditions can lead to sickness and disease.

GMMET 11                                       Purity of Life                                                 1 credit

This course shares how a pure heart and mind and doing well to others is linked to a cheerful healthy disposition, which leads to freedom from worry and stress a leading cause of illness.

GMMET 12                                       Why the Medical Missionary Work?            1 credit

This course highlights the compassion of Christ and his method of reaching lost souls and restoring them to health both physically and spiritually.

GMMET 13                                       Dress Reform                                                3 credits

Healthful dressing yields healthy bodies more that we think.  This course will show the effects of cold on the body and why women are more susceptible to diseases because of how they dress. You would also learn of appropriate guidelines of healthful dress for the entire family.

GMMET 14                    The Spiritual Component of Health                             2 credits

This course demonstrates through biblical references and modern illustrations that health is spiritual, and sickness and disease can be caused because of spiritual violation.  In such case, the disease can be cured only as one comes in harmony with the will of God.

GMMET 15           Menu Planning & Food Combinations Made Easy 1 credit

An in-depth guide to understanding menu planning and combination of foods in a healthy wholesome way.

GMMET 16                                       Cooking School                                               1 credit

As you begin to make changes and share information with others, you would surely be asked show how to prepare meals.  This course teaches you how to run a successful cooking class in your home, church or community. 

GMMET 17                                       Consultation 101 – The Plan                         3 credits                                                                                         

The Plan, the ultimate in disease reversal is our keynote to experiencing greater health. This course teaches you to chart the way for making personal changes to your diet and lifestyle to achieve restoration of health. 

GMMET 18                                       To Sell or Not to Sell                                     1 credit

This course gives an introduction to the colporteur ministry work and shares the assurance that you are never alone as you go out to the frontlines of literature evangelism.

GMMET 19                               Faith and Life Bible Study                           3 credits

This course covers the basic fundamentals of the faith of the Remnant and gives instructions on how to give a simple bible study.

GMMET 20                       The Truth About God’s Healing Program                    2 credits

There are many ways to the healing art but only one-way God approves. Find out in this course how to identify God’s true method of healing amidst the mirage of false methods in our world today.

GMMET 21                                       Botanical Medicine                                       2 credits

This course reviews the harmful effects of some frequently used drugs and shares natural alternatives for treating common ailments.

GMMET 22                                       Reversing High Blood Cholesterol                 2 credits

It is true that all lifestyle diseases are one hundred percent reversible. In this course you would clearly understand how blood cholesterol levels are elevated and what you can do to reverse this condition and totally unclog your arteries and prevent heart disease.

GMMET 23                                       Reversing Diabetes Type II                         2 credits

This course gives information and understanding of the true cause of Diabetes and simple but

profound steps to reversing it in less than five days.

GMMET 24                                       Reversing Hypertension                               2 credits

This course tells of the subtle warning signs of hypertension to help identify and how to treat to reverse this condition.

GMMET 25                                       Mental Health and Depression                          2 credits

Ninety percent of diseases begin in the mind. This course focuses on how to protect the frontal lobe and keep it free from suppression to maintain a strong and healthy brain.  It also includes natural remedies for depression.

GMMET 26   Leaky Gut, SIBO, SIFO, Gluten Sensitivity & GMO Foods 1 credit

This course discusses the many symptoms of gluten sensitivity in individuals though they may not be Celiac. It also highlights Leaky Gut as the main cause of numerous health issues and the effect of GMO foods.

GMMET 27                                       Obesity                                                           1 credit

Understand how reducing weight can add years to the life of individuals and what they can do to maintain adequate weight. 

GMMET 28                                       Introduction to Massage                             1 credit

Christ’s touch imparted life-giving power. In this course you would learn how to do a simple chair massage to bring about relief to aching muscles.

GMMET 29                                       Introduction of Hydrotherapy                           1 credit

Water used both internally and externally can be both refreshing and healing. Understanding its use is important in treating disease.  This course gives an introduction to some simple but effective remedies which can bring about great relief.

GMMET 30                                       Anatomy and Physiology 101                         1 credit

This course presents the process of digestion of food, absorption and elimination, its importance and benefits. The function and maintenance of a healthy Liver is also explored.

GMMET 31                                       How to Study Diseases                                  1 credit

This course provides students with the tools required to research and study common diseases and how protocols are applied.

GMMET 32                                       Infectious Diseases - Covid-19 Protocol          1 credit

This course introduces modes of how infectious diseases are contracted with special emphasis on Covid-19.  

GMMET 33                                       Music and Worship                                       1 credit

A deep-dive into understanding the foundation of music, its impact on our health and spirituality and which type of music is fitting for worshiping of God.

GMMET 34                                       Self-Supporting Ministry                              1 cred it

This course shows how individuals can make a living and sustain their family while doing the medical missionary work.

GMMET 35                           Prophetic Guidance (Reading Assignment)   3 credits

This course reviews God’s blessing in the life of Ellen G. White from her childhood to the end of her days and the prophetic messages to the growing Advent people of her day.  It also includes her contribution to health reform at a time when the world needed answers for a better way to treat diseases.

GMMET 36                                       Country Living                                              1 credit

We have no abiding city here – we are called to a better country.  Let us learn of God’s design for where it is best for families to live and why we should dwell in the country.

GMMET 37               Counsels on Diet and Foods (Reading Assignment)      3 credits

This dynamic course teaches several principles of diet and food preparation.  It also shares numerous examples of benefits or adverse effects if the diet is not appropriate. Textbook:  Counsels on Diet and Foods by Ellen G. White

GMMET 38                                       Small Space Gardening                                1 credit

This course introduces basic concepts of home gardening, from preparation of the soil, care for plants and pest control.

GMMET 39               Colporteur Ministry (Reading Assignment)               3 credits

Colporteur ministry and medical missionary work are two occupations which will be around until the end of time. It is also a viable way of sustaining yourself and reaching souls for Christ. In this course you will learn of how to be successful in the work. Textbook:  Colporteur Ministry by Ellen G. White

GMMET 40               Ministry of Healing (Reading Assignment)                  3 credits

This course provides information on the role of healing by Christ, the physician, the home and several factors to prevent diseases. Textbook:    

GMMET 41               Help in Daily Living (Reading Assignment)                  3 credits

This course provides various guidance and help on understanding and working along with different personalities successfully. Textbook:  Help in Daily Living by Ellen G. White

        Total 64  credits